General Conditions of Supply
- Only the qualified health practitioner may recommend and sell BioMedica products.
- Complete patient records are kept and filed.
- The clinic/practitioner/pharmacy/student agrees to refuse sales to ‘walk in’ customers seeking BioMedica products without either a full consultation, or sighting a physical script from the customer and retaining a copy.
- This agreement applies to the practitioner. The clinic/practitioner agrees to inform BioMedica in the event that the practitioner leaves the clinic or pharmacy, or any of the circumstances above that would change the status of this agreement.
- The clinic/practitioner/pharmacy/student agrees to keep all BioMedica practitioner products out of public view and reach. This includes public display of products and product information online.
- The clinic/practitioner/pharmacy/student agrees not to have BioMedica practitioner products available for public purchase on their website.
- The clinic/practitioner/pharmacy/student is aware that in order to ensure our products are sold according to our sales policy, BioMedica representatives check and occasionally mystery shop all locations where BioMedica products are sold.
- The practitioner implicitly agrees that BioMedica products will only be dispensed in a professional manner to an individual. Further, you understand that the products must not be resold, gifted or donated to any retail establishment or underqualified practitioner for the purpose of their further prescription or recommendation.
- Additional Conditions of Supply for practitioners in pharmacy: Pharmacies must agree to only dispense BioMedica products on presentation of a professional prescription
- Eligibility must be completed by all practitioners prescribing or selling BioMedica products.
- BioMedica enforces our strict practitioner only policy to support clinicians and produce better health outcomes to the benefit of patients and the natural health industry overall. BioMedica reserves the right to remove products where stored or sold inappropriately.
- A definition of practitioners who qualify for a BioMedica Nutraceuticals purchasing account can be found here
- Please note: we are not able to accept applications from clinics/practitioners located or working within health food stores. BioMedica reserves the right not to supply competitors or those associated with competitor companies.
Supply Policy to Pharmacies
There are only two circumstances where we will permit the supply of our products to practitioners in pharmacies:
- Pharmacies acting to fill a script on behalf of a practitioner. This is on the condition that the product is to be kept with other scheduled medicines out of reach (behind the pharmacy prescription counter), and out of view. Under no circumstance should a BioMedica 'practitioner only' product be sold without a prescription.
- Pharmacies that have ‘full’ clinic rooms within the store. By ‘full’ we mean that the clinic should act like every other clinic. Consultation must occur in an enclosed space, with case history, diagnostic, prognostic and treatment records kept secured on site. Product must only be kept in, and dispensed from, the consultation room after consultation has occurred. Repeats must only be dispensed in a like manner by the practitioner.
Under NO circumstances should BioMedica products be displayed on retail shelves, nor should they be sold after a 'shop floor' consultation. BioMedica reserves the right to remove products when they are stored or sold inappropriately and from time to time will mystery shop approved pharmacies. If our products are being sold in a manner not in line with our policy, we will stop current and future supply from the pharmacy until further notice.
Should any practitioners become aware of a breach of our policy, please notify us so that we may immediately rectify the situation.
Along with BioMedica's General Supply Policy in section 1, practitioners working within pharmacies must also agree to and adhere to the following conditions:
- The pharmacist agrees to treat BioMedica products in a similar fashion to an S4 medication and only dispense them upon receipt of a prescription from a qualified practitioner
- And/or the clinic/pharmacy/practitioner has an enclosed room where consultations take place
Supply Policy to Health Food Stores
BioMedica is not able to accept applications from clinics or practitioners located in or working within health food stores, due to the high risk of breaches to our sales policy. We trust that these practitioners value the importance of the holistic healing profession as much as we do, and we hope that you will understand. What we are endeavouring to achieve is the raising of respect for our profession and our professional standing within the community.
Supply Policy to Patients
BioMedica products are available by prescription only. Patients will only have access to BioMedica’s practitioner only products either following a full consultation or follow up consultation with a qualified practitioner, or alternatively if they have a prescription from a previous consultation.
As BioMedica is a practitioner only range, technical product information is available only to qualified practitioners as per the Therapeutic Goods Act (TGA) definition of a practitioner. In line with this, our technical information is not available freely online.
Should a patient have any questions regarding a BioMedica product they have been prescribed, their practitioner is best placed to answer these; as the practitioner will be aware of the full case history and why a particular product has been prescribed. This is also to ensure that individuals seek out a qualified healthcare practitioner to receive the best in personalised advice and monitoring.
BioMedica is able to answer free-from allergen enquiries for the general public, however more technical questions need to be directed through your practitioner.
Enforcement of Supply Policy
BioMedica has and will always continue to take our strict practitioner only policy very seriously. We have maintained this stance to protect practitioners, and ultimately their patients. If at any time a clinic or pharmacy is found to be selling our products in a manner that contravenes our policy, sale will be immediately and permanently withdrawn.
We will always ensure that our products are sold legitimately through clinics and by prescription only. If you ever become aware of a retail environment selling our products inappropriately, please notify us and we will act promptly to rectify the situation. Your continued support is held in the highest regard. Let’s work together to build a stronger profession and industry.